Participant Profiles


About the Organization

STEERus' mission is to enable success in today's youth and all those who parent, educate and employ them by coaching soft skills and career readiness. STEERus has modularized soft skills and created an innovative, blended learning approach to training and coaching people on EQ, problem-solving, leadership, and more. Equity is their North Star: they are striving to enable all those in need with the access and support that they need for success.

Loralyn Mears, PhD
Founder and CEO

Project Lead

Curiosity is a theme that runs through Loralyn's career which began as a PhD scientist, evolved into a market researcher in biotech, and extended into journalism reporting on entrepreneurship in tech. That led down the path of founding STEERus, home of the world's first Soft Skills Academy. She founded this HRtech to train Generation Next on the critical soft skills that they're not learning in school to close the gap between education and work.